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Sunday, May 22, 2011

At Camp by Jaymie

In the moring I came to school with all my gear. We had to come to the hall to wait for the bus to come. When A1 and A2 hopped in the bus I always have to go on the bottom of the bus. On the bus we stopped at a rock. It had a huge hole in it for some one to sit in.When we got there we had our morning tea. Later that day we had tea and went to bed. The next day we did lots of activites like the Flying fox and the Air rifle shooting and Archery. After that day I woke up early so I could pack my gear first.We had breakfast and we had a little play. Then the bell went and we all brang our bags to the front of the dining room.We lined up in our groups and then we did even funner activites and we went back to school.THE END

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